Sunday, July 10, 2011

Week 2

Week 2

Day 5
July 5, 2011

  Zoie stayed at a friends house last night so no math this morning. Did my 2 mile warm up run, got called an asshole by one of the neighbors, then started my weight lifting. I had to quit early because my right side of my chest and shoulder were cramping on me. Yesterday was the 4th of July and I didn't get home till late from the festivities. Didn't get much sleep last night so no studying tonight, going to bed early. 10 mgs of melatonin is just what the doctor ordered.

Day 6
July 6, 2011

  Knocked myself with melatonin last night so no math this morning. Busted my ass at work, but still came home and went with the wifey and Miss Jenni to the gym. Did 3 miles on the treadmill and 1/4mile in the pool. The bikes were all occupied and I'm still nursing some seriously sore calves so I skipped the bike tonight. Came home and had to get right on fixing one of our AC units. Something is plugging the it's drainage and it leaked condensation water all over last night and ruined at least one sheet of drywall in our dinning room. Always something...

Day 7
July 7, 2011

  Up at 6 am this morning. Went over Zoie's math work for the day and then off to work. Came home went over Zoie's completed math work and started my workout. Rain meant no warm up run so I did a light round of combo lifts to get the blood pumping. Other wise my normal routine. I did add some shoulder raises with 10lbs each arm into my arm sets. Those mixed with the dumbbell presses give me a good pump on my shoulders. Mixed my protein drink, showered up and went to start studying. I figured I would start my language studying but when I tried logging on to Rosetta stone our company account had expired. Oh well, should have used it sooner. Now they give you the option of buying the courses on cds. I think I'll go that route. Spent the rest of my time figuring out how to take stills from our video camera and exploring the controls on my blog. Not the most productive study session but I made the best of it.

Day 8
July 8, 2011

  Up at 6 am. Did some algebra and inequality review with Zoie and then off to work. After work it was off to the gym. Did 3 miles on the treadmill at an 8 min/mile pace and about half a mile in the pool to make up for the fact that I still don't trust my legs on the bike yet. In the pool I had my first successful night with the TI or 'total imersion' stroke. It focuses on maximum distance to minimum number of strokes. If you swim distance, check it out. Instead of studying tonight I had to help inseminate my wife's horse. I was the official 'giant suringe full of semen' holder. Next year, as part of this project I will talk her into letting attempt inseminating a mare myself. That will be a learning experience.

Day 9
July 9, 2011
  Today sucked! Woke up at 7:30 am and got Zoie going on a math test. She was not putting out much effort and needed a couple boots to the rear end. Spent the rest of the day battling the new tub in Zoie's bathroom. At one point I dropped the tub in place for a test fit and found the drain pipe was off by about 2 inches from the drain hole in the tub. No problem, I just need a few pvc fittings and my saw and I'll move the pipe right over. So I jumped in the car and about half an hour later I was back from the hardware store with the necessary parts. I measured, prepped my parts and cut the pipe. I reach for my glue and... crap it was all dried up. I was just at the hardware store! That's ok I have more, somewhere. Now anytime you cut a drain pipe past the trap you remove the vapor lock that keeps your house from filling with the wonderful smells of your septic tank. So I spend at least an hour looking for glue that didn't exist, as my house started to stink worse and worse. Hours Later the tub was finally in and ready for trim.

Day 10
July 10, 2011

  Ah! Much better. Woke at 7:30 am and got Zoie going on another math test. She did much better. No boots necessary. Worked on the tub all day cut, fit and caulked all the trim. Cutting and hanging went well but I am no artist with the caulk gun. I guess it just has to be waterproof right? Anyone reading this who takes a shower in my house, do me a favor and don't laugh at my caulk job...seriously. Installed the new faucet and chased the shower head connection behind the drywall for a while. Decided that this failure was a good stopping point for the day. Did my weight workout with a 2 mile warm up run and no changes to the usual routine. I did however manage to run all the way to Reddick and back without being called an asshole.
  I'm going to add a little segment to my daily post here called the random question. Not an original idea, I know, but I like it and it makes me think. If there are random questions you want me to answer, send me a message, email or facebook it to me.
  Today’s random question was generated by my wife. If you could bring someone who died before their time back to life, who would it be?
I had to think for a while, but my answer is Buddy Holly. I think that Buddy Holly, in the mere year and a half that he enjoyed in the music industry before his untimely death, left a mark on everyone who has heard his music especially the other musicians of his day and those to come for decades. The list of major artist who consider Holly an inspiration may as well read as a list of Grammy nominees for the last 50 years. In his brief career he gave the new born child of rock and roll direction and real substance when most other artists where just out there having fun with it. Imagine the new sounds and lyrics that Elvis, the Beatles, the Stones and even Zeppelin could have been influenced by if he had not gotten on that plane. He was also pursuing a career in acting before his death. Definitely my choice. The founding father of powerful and honest rock and roll. Rock and Roll that could fuel and change generations.
“Thank God for Buddy Holly!” - Brian May of Queen

On one last note. My wife is dragging her heels on take my status photos. Everybody send her messages and tell her to get on with it already.

1 comment:

  1. So, get out the camera and lets take some pictures!
